I’ve named these energy snacks; Creativity Balls that were inspired by Zoe Rowe’s yoga class focusing on the Second Chakra which is all about creativity, sensuality, emotional well-being, and self-expression.

The key ingredients in these balls speak to creativity and sensuality which is perfect in preparation of self-love for Valentines day.

Almonds: Healthy fats, vitamins and minerals to keep you going, this supernut provides that all essential protein to help brain development.

Cacao nibs: Double wammy! High in flavanols, the coco bean is linked to increased brain function and cognitive abilities. It can increase blood flow high above and down below, this food group also helps you get in the mood by releasing that feel good serotonin and boost sexual pleasure.

Chilli: Turn up the heat with a little spice which can help increase blood flow to our better parts.

These balls are naturally sweetened with dates, the cocao nibs give them a great crunchy texture followed by a lovely heat that works well with the sweetness of the dates.

These are meant to be a healthy snack as part of the Eat My Yoga series - although I have to admit I ended up devouring 3 in a row as I could'n’t resist them!

Makes approx 16 balls, food processor required


·     225g medjool dates, pitted

·      75g ground almonds

·      1tbsp honey

·     2 tbsp almond butter

·      1 tbsp coconut oil

·      1 tbsp cacao nibs

·      1 teaspoon of chilli - depending on how hot your chilli is and your taste level, you can reduce or add.

·     Approx 100g dessicated coconut to decorate


  1. If the dates are very dry, soak them for half an hour in hot water before you begin preparing these no bake treats. It will make it much easier to work with in the processor!

  2. Place all ingredients except for the cocao nibs and dessicated coconut and chilli in a food processor and whizz till homogenous. Add the chilli at the end once all the ingredients are incorporated as you will want to taste the level of heat and not blow your head off. If the mixture feels too stiff, you can add 1 tsp of water - it depends on your dates.

  3. Prepare a plate with the desiccated coconut and set aside. For the heat adventurer, you can roll your balls in chilli flakes with the coconut.

  4. You’’ll need to get your hands messy at this point. Take the mixture out of the processor and into a medium sized bowl where you can now add the cacao nibs and mix in the paste with your hands as the mixture is too sticky to work with a spoon or fork easily. I have not blended the cacao nibs as it’s the texture that is so interesting when consumed.

  5. Once blended, you can begin shaping the balls into the size of a walnut (or larger if you prefer) by rolling in the palm of your hand. Finish by rolling them in the plate of dessicated coconut and place in the fridge so they can harden slightly. I prefer to keep these in the fridge but you can also eat these at ambient temperature, so try them out and see what you prefer.